8-10 NOVEMBER 2001
Full text from IISD
The International
Symposium on Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems convened from
8-10 November 2001 in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Building in Montreal, Canada. The Symposium was organized by the United Nations
University (UNU), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD) and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI). This
three-day Symposium brought together approximately 140 participants from the
academic, government, research and nonprofit worlds to share experiences, case
studies, initiatives and ideas on the management of biodiversity in
The Symposium was organized on a thematic
basis covering the topics of: crop and livestock genetic resources; associated
biodiversity and agro-ecosystem services; and landscape, scale and change. Each
day addressed a different theme, with presenters offering their research in
sessions focused on specific aspects within the broader topic. Poster displays
outside the meeting halls further explored the thematic areas. The
Symposiums objectives were to: advance understanding of the complex
process and mechanisms for on-farm management of biodiversity and their
relation with farmers' livelihoods; compare and exchange experiences in
encouraging profitable management practices and systems of biodiversity on
farm; identify lessons learned for policy and capacity building; and contribute
to, and promote, the implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on
Agricultural Biodiversity.
Agricultural biodiversity includes all
components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture,
including genetic crop and livestock resources. Agricultural biodiversity
provides food, income and materials for clothing, shelter and medicine. It also
performs ecological services essential to human survival, such as nutrient
cycling, pest and disease regulation and pollination.
Much has been written about the impacts on
biodiversity from land use practices, but only limited work has been done on
how farmers, the "custodians of biodiversity," manage their resources
to sustain and enhance them. Through innovation and experiment, farmers have
accumulated rich knowledge of managed biodiversity. Collaborative efforts
between scientists and small farmers have been initiated to tap farmers
knowledge and skills for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
in agro-ecosystems. Management of agricultural biodiversity has temporal and
spatial attributes as well as socio-economic implications. The Symposium was
intended to share the experiences and ideas of the international community
working on agricultural biodiversity with the hope that the collected knowledge
would be useful for international and national biodiversity programmes and
On the international level, the International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was adopted at the
6th Extraordinary Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture on 3 November 2001. The International Treaty establishes a
Multilateral System for facilitated access to a specified list of plant genetic
resources for food and agriculture. Its objectives are the conservation and
sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and
equitable benefit-sharing for sustainable agriculture and food security. The
Conference of Parties (COP) of the CBD established a programme of work on
agricultural biological diversity in 1996, and adopted further elaborations in
This Symposium was held just prior to the
7th meeting of the CBDs Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-7), which planned to consider
progress made on implementing the programme of work on agricultural
biodiversity, as well as the International Pollinators Initiative established
by the COP in 2000. The organizers expected to forward a report to SBSTTA to
help inform its work in this area.
Edwin Gyasi, University of Ghana and Leader
of West Africa Cluster of Project on People, Land Management and Environmental
Change (PLEC), chaired the Symposiums opening session and welcomed
participants to Montreal. Deborah Buszard, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and
Environment, McGill University, stressed the importance of work on biodiversity
in agricultural ecosystems and explained the Universitys focus on
environmental issues.
Coosje Hoogendroom, Deputy Director General,
IPGRI, commented on the importance of the Symposiums topic. She
overviewed IPGRIs work and projects, summarizing its mission as
"diversity for development" and highlighting its close working
relationships with partner research organizations, the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). She noted that
IPGRIs work on social and economic issues, capacity building,
conservation of diversity, and use of plant genetic resources are directly tied
to the conservation of agricultural biodiversity.
Hamdallah Zedan, CBD Executive Secretary,
briefed participants on the history of the Convention, underlining its
forthcoming 10th anniversary and its continuous work on agricultural
biodiversity under both thematic and cross-cutting programmes of work. He
informed participants that the 7th Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) meeting would include a focus on
agriculture and biodiversity and commended this Symposiums great
contribution to SBSTTA-7s deliberation on the same issue. He also drew
participants attention to the newly adopted International Treaty on Plant
Genetic Resources under the auspices of the FAO and to the discussion on access
to benefit sharing through genetic resources under the CBD, stating that these
are the breakthroughs in the area of agricultural biodiversity
Motoyuki Suzuki, Vice Rector of the UNU,
introduced participants to work on managing agricultural biodiversity done by
PLEC since 1992. He highlighted the topics importance, stating that the
future of agriculture depends on the sustainable management of biodiversity on
and around farms of the world. He emphasized that this Symposium is a
presentation of various studies and research conducted by scholars, scientists
and experts in demonstration sites around the world regarding effective
management of agricultural biodiversity. He then declared the Symposium
officially opened.
Participants considered this thematic area in
three sessions on Thursday, 8 November. Two focused on crop resources and one
on livestock resources.
RESOURCES: Yiching Song, Center for Chinese
Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Science, chaired a morning session and
Isabella Massinde, Rural Agriculture and Pastoralism Programme, Kenya, chaired
an afternoon session on managing crop genetic resources. Devra Jarvis, IPGRI,
provided an overview of the Symposium structure.
Presentations: In a presentation on managing plant genetic diversity in
agro-ecosystems sustainably, Tony Brown, Center for Plant Industry (CSIRO),
Australia, noted some of the ways that current research tools contribute to our
knowledge of genetic diversity. Our facility for accumulating DNA sequences is
rapidly expanding; dating processes allow us to determine the timing of genetic
splits; and by using microarrays, we can test for gene action and adaptation at
much wider levels than previously possible. Brown discussed: the relationship
between genetic markers, morphological characters and response to environmental
conditions; factors affecting genetic diversity; population monitoring of
numbers and sizes, and population genetic analysis; farmers use of
diversity; impacts of intra-specific genetic variability on biotic interactions
with a host plant; the impact of participatory plant breeding on maintenance of
diversity; and the importance of reserve areas as sources of indicator
information about wild species in situ. He stated that there is need to
have a diversity "indicator." He suggested that some aspects of
genetic diversity might help fill that need. However, he noted problems
regarding crop-name reliability and the multiple ways to measure genetic
diversity. Brown also noted that levels of genetic diversity reflect recent
history, such as genetic bottlenecks or inadequate seed supply, and the general
sustainability of a system depends in part on intra-specific diversity of
function, as variations in adaptation enable a crop population to cope with
stress. He recommended that indicators for monitoring and management of genetic
diversity should track population, genetic structural and functional diversity.
He concluded by suggesting that a better understanding of genetic diversity can
lead to improvements in farms and communities.
Mohamed Sadiki, Moroccan Department of
Agronomy and Plant Breeding and IPGRI, discussed the diversity of
"farmer-named" faba beans in Morocco. His research considered whether
farmer-named cultivars are genetically different from each other. He conducted
surveys and investigations based on a participatory approach with 184 farms
surveyed. The project summarized cultivar traits, distinguishing between types,
within types and the percent of farmers using those traits. Farmers
distinguished 22 different cultivars, but there was only partial consistency.
In some instances, more than one name corresponded to the same type or trait
and in other instances, farmers asserted that there was variation within a
single type. However, there was good consistency between morphological
characterization of traits and farmers own set of traits. The accuracy of
farmers ability to identify genetically distinct cultivars affects the
ability to use those names as conservation units. Sadiki concluded that
conservation managers can use, but may not entirely rely upon, farmer names for
development of conservation action plans. He suggested that a better unit for
conservation planning might be a group of farmer-named faba bean cultivars that
share the same set of descriptors. He also concluded that the genetic structure
and distinctiveness of the units managed by farmers are important for
agricultural development because they can be used to quantify the amount and
distribution of genetic diversity maintained on a farm. He noted two
gender-based differences. In farm activities, women bore more responsibility
for tasks such as hand seeding, weeding and harvesting. In naming traits, women
were more specific about certain aspects such as cooking and overall
Raul Critobal Suarez, National Institute of
Fundamental Tropical Research (INIFAT), discussed the contribution of home
gardens to in situ conservation of plant genetic resources in farming
systems. His study, based on selected home gardens in the western, central and
eastern regions of Cuba, shows that home gardens host a large number of
cultivated and wild species with great variability, and that use of home
gardens has become a dynamic agriculture system, providing great food support
to local people. His research finds that farmers have facilitated ample
exchange of genetic materials between the gardens and their surroundings,
making a substantial contribution to in situ conservation of plant
genetic resources, which is otherwise quite limited in Cuba.
Truong Van Tuyen, Hue University of
Agriculture and Forestry, discussed farmers management of crop diversity
in coastal agro-ecosystems of the Hue region in central Vietnam, in which
residence, gardens and rice fields are typically integrated. His study explains
factors that have caused changes in rice diversity in that region, including
rainfall distribution and catastrophic flood problems. It also shows that
farmers are not able to obtain their preferred cultivars because the seeds are
not available through informal or formal seed systems. He discussed two issues
to be addressed for on-farm conservation of landraces: improving seed banks at
household and community levels, and including traditional varieties into the
formal seed systems. Several responses to the problems observed were
highlighted: building awareness of agro-diversity activities; fighting
catastrophic floods; growing different varieties among households; and setting
up strong communication systems within communities.
Fetien Abay, University of Makil, discussed
local innovation and initiative in managing biodiversity in Northern Ethiopia.
She described, for several species and varieties, differences in
characteristics such as pulp, flower color, shape, fruit size and taste, length
of maturation time, and shelf life. A local planting diagram showed how farmers
sought to maximize output in a small plot by prioritizing crop placement and
taking into account variation in soil conditions. Abay described a planting
strategy that mixed different crops, such as barley and wheat, or different
varieties of wheat, in the same plot. Intra-species diversity within the same
plot allowed farmers to extend the growing season for a particularly important
crop. She observed that introduced or modern varieties might have a difficult
time keeping up with rapidly changing environmental conditions as compared to a
mixed crop.
Joyce Mulila-Mitti, INSAKA, discussed the
role of seed gardens in enhancing local seed security and the use and
conservation of agricultural biodiversity for small-scale farmers in Zambia.
The farmers face a variety of problems including: exposure to use of hybrid
seed and fertilizer; devastating droughts; poor access to seed of modern
varieties; poor access to credit for seed and fertilizer; and seed loss during
storage. Production of seed in seed gardens during the off/dry season was
initiated to offer an alternative or complement to main-season seed production
and to help prepare farmers for the main growing season. The project required:
selection of suitable sites that had access to adequate water and proper
fencing; mobilization of farmers; training in improved seed technology; and
field days for sharing among farmers. She said seed yields were higher than
expected without seed gardens and seed and food security were enhanced. Seed
gardens also improved planning for the main season, increased the market for
seed and grain and helped develop seed policy. Enhanced agricultural
biodiversity was shown by increased crop/variety diversity; reduced pressure on
local landraces to meet all food and income needs; and increased opportunity
for off-season production of otherwise ecologically unsuitable crops.
Mulila-Mitti suggested that seed garden projects are most effective when the
crops/varieties have characteristics suited to farmers needs, such as
early maturation, drought resistance, good storage qualities, and consistency
with rotational needs. Other important factors include improved seed
management, health and community cooperation.
Oliver Coomes, Associate Professor in the
Department of Geography, McGill University, discussed crop diversity in
indigenous farming systems in Amazonia and the role and dynamics of planting
stock among traditional farmers. His study on the nature and origins of crop
diversity, across and within the region, showed that traditional farmers are
informally exchanging planting stock among local communities, which also
greatly facilitates the transmission of planting stock within the region. This
exchange of agricultural planting stock highlights the role that traditional
farmers can play in in situ conservation of crop diversity. He concludes
that there is an urgent need to conduct a systematic assessment of the
geographic and socio-cultural patterns of crop diversity in the region in order
to improve the regions agricultural biodiversity conservation and
agricultural development.
Anil Subedi, Local initiatives for
Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), discussed how local farmers
maintain crop diversity based on a case study in Nepal. His study, conducted in
different agro-ecological zones, was designed to understand farmers
decision-making processes, socio-economic circumstances, and environmental
factors for the existence and maintenance of crop diversity. The study
describes how a seed exchange network has been formed in local communities and
among individual farmers and why it plays an important role in maintaining
community seed stock and gene banks. The study also demonstrates that we can
use such experience to reach other communities and farmers to enhance public
awareness about conserving crop diversity and strengthening local gene bank
development. He concluded by stating that farmers are not only the custodians,
but also the managers of crop diversity and therefore on-farm conservation of
crop diversity is possible only through the active participation of
Discussion: Didier Balma, Institute of the Environment and Agricultural Research,
Burkina Faso, led the discussion following the morning presentations and Devra
Jarvis, IPGRI, led the discussion following the afternoon presentations.
One participant questioned whether the high
consistency between farmer-named cultivars and genetic diversity was likely in
other species, and suggested that bean crops might be relatively easy to
recognize. Sadiki noted that genetic differences among bean cultivars might be
easier to identify than differences among cultivars of other crops because
farmers use the bean pods and seeds.
Another participant asked whether there are
criteria for classifying a crop area as a "home garden" and stressed
the importance of having a common definition in terms of comparative research.
Regarding indicators and the potential impact a target level of biodiversity
might have on landraces and gene combinations, participants noted that we are
only beginning to grapple with the idea of indicators. Regarding sharing
knowledge about genetic diversity among farmers, presenters said their projects
were generating knowledge about available varieties and increasing the exchange
of seed and germ plasm.
In response to questions, Subedi said how
long a local community keeps its seed stock depends on the scale and quality of
the seed flow and maintenance. One participant commented that focus should be
given to access to diversity, especially given the cost and its social and
economic implications. In answering a question regarding how food demand
influences crop diversity activity in the indigenous Amazonia region, Coomes
said farmers are willing to open up for new seed experiments. In response to a
question relating to intellectual property right protection of farmers
knowledge, Mulila-Mitti said the government of Zambia is taking measures to
protect farmers rights.
Beate Weiskopf, partner for Perspectives Worldwide,
Germany, chaired an afternoon session on the management of livestock genetic
resources. She noted that, despite its importance regarding security and food,
this area is "neglected."
Presentations: Istvan Szalay, Association of Small Animal Breeders for Gene
Conservation, Hungary, spoke about livestock diversity in Eastern Europe. The
Carpathian Basin was the geographic subject of his talk. This area comprises
several countries and different traditions and supports a number of domestic
breeds found only in that region. He reviewed the color varieties in some
species of poultry, waterfowl and rabbits and described the Hungarian
governmental subsidy system for conservation of livestock diversity and other
governmental, institutional and private activities related to gene banks and
breeding. As an example of the value of applied research, he described a
research study that showed free-range chickens had higher body weight,
decreased feed intake, and decreased mortality than cage-bred chickens. Szalay
commented on the need for additional basic research, especially in the areas of
reproduction biology, natural rearing of indigenous breeds, crossing
experiments and ecological farming. He suggested that, through a combination of
breeding programs, traditional plant and animal production and cultural
sensitivity, the diversity associated with indigenous breeds can be maintained
and conserved.
Jenny Bester, Animal Improvement Institute,
South Africa, spoke about the Nguni, an indigenous breed of cattle noted for
its hardy traits, early maturity, long reproductive life, good foraging
abilities, resistance to diseases and ticks, and cross-breeding
characteristics. The introduction of European livestock during colonial periods
has led to interbreeding with indigenous animals, which caused gene and breed
replacement and, eventually, a governmental policy geared toward elimination.
Some populations survived and scientists began to recognize the value of
indigenous livestock. But the quality of the remaining Ngunis had declined
along with its numbers. A recent project sought to re-establish Ngunis into
selected communities and to create a superior resource base. Bulls were
evaluated and bought from commercial farmers. To be eligible for distribution,
farmer groups had to be organized and able to contribute towards maintenance.
The project has introduced approximately 50 animals into 11 communities and has
another 500 animals available. The project provides assistance with breeding
and genetic evaluation, provides marketing support including product
development, helps link farmers to the market and assists with export.
Identified restraints and obstacles include: lack of record keeping regarding
progeny performance; lack of grazing, herd and reproductive management;
infrastructure deficiencies, such as fencing; and gaps in disease control.
Cultural practices, such as community-based decision-making, can hinder
outcomes. Land tenure can limit the ability of farmers to act. And a lack of
control over satellite gene pools could reduce the quality of the population
through interbreeding. Overall, Bester believes that the project demonstrates
that conservation is possible through utilization.
Joyce Njoki Njoro, Intermediate Technology
Development Group, presented a case study on community livestock improvement
initiatives conducted in Kathekani, the eastern part of Kenya. She described
the initiative as a community group approach designed to: build strong local
capacity to address livestock production; improve household income through
sales of goats; and exploit existing local livestock gene pools to achieve
higher production. The approach adopted by farmers is communally managed
utilization of locally available goat genetic resources, particularly the Galla
goat and Eastern African goat, which are well suited to the harsh conditions of
that region. The breeding program is guided by a clear goal of improving goat
production and has taken into consideration elements such as: mating control;
selection of bucks; distribution of bucks among local farmers; disease control;
feeding; and general animal husbandry. She emphasized that local breeding
should be integrated holistically and in situ conservation measures can
only succeed if farmers receive direct benefits.
T.N.P. Gondwe, University of Malawi,
presented an ongoing project on community-based promotion of rural poultry
diversity, management, utilization and research in Malawi. The project,
undertaken in the central region of the country, aims to operate through
open-nucleus breeding centers established in rural communities and managed by a
committee of farmers. Species and strains of poultry involved in the project
include chickens, pigeons and ducks. They are raised and evaluated at the
centers and will be selected according to their performance as breeding stock
for local farmers through local traditional stock sharing systems. During the
raising and selection process, technical interventions are made to guarantee
improved productivity, such as Newcastle disease vaccination, feed
supplementation and early weaning. Gondwe discussed some of the major
constraints in conducting the project including: Newcastle diseases; predator
harassment; poor housing; prolonged weaning; and the current haphazard breed
stock sharing and breeding systems. He also highlighted some principles in
securing the projects success including: full participation of local
farmers; the communitys power to make decisions; use of locally existing
species; and exploitation of traditional knowledge possessed by farmers.
Discussion: Ela
Martyniuk, National Animal Breeding Centre, Poland, led a discussion following
the presentations. One participant expressed concern over transmitted diseases
from breeding programmes among various species of livestock. Bester, in
response to comments, stressed that it is extremely important to make sure that
all genes are kept in conducting cross breeding, because cross breeding can be
problematic if gene traits are lost. Some participants commented that it is
hard to judge the value of promoting indigenous breeding as opposed to exotic
breeding. One participant also drew attention to the long-term implications of
stock breeding activities, such as possible soil erosion.
Sessions on this thematic area began on
Friday morning, 9 November, and covered four topics: managing soil
biodiversity; managing pollinator diversity; managing diversity for pest and
disease control; and managing the impacts of agriculture on wild
Michelle Gautier, CBD, chaired a morning session on
managing soil biodiversity.
Mike Swift, Director, Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme, Kenya,
provided an overview on management of below-ground soil biodiversity. He
highlighted the enormous diversity of the soil community and the critical role
that soil organisms play in providing specific soil-based ecosystem services
including: nutrient cycles; atmospheric composition and climate regulation;
water supply; and biological pest control. He suggested that a key
functional-group approach would be useful for management purposes and
identified and discussed the services provided by the following groups:
micro-fauna; micro-regulators; micro-symbionts; soil-borne pests and diseases;
carbon and nutrient transformers; and decomposers. Regarding the impacts of
land use change, Swift proposed two pathways for management of below-ground
biodiversity: direct manipulation, such as biological control through
introduction of bacteria; and indirect ecological control, such as choice of
plants or management of organic inputs. The indirect approach appears to hold
more promise as a management focus. He said there is a link between above- and
below-ground diversity and underscored the value of managing soil organic
matter to enhance overall biodiversity. He said the best options for biological
soil management will be found in emergent systems, as opposed to highly
complex, well established systems or intense monocultures, where opportunities
to intervene are limited. Swift also noted that, although land use changes may
be the immediate proximate cause of biodiversity loss, the causes involve much
more than just the farmers management activities.
Fidelis Kaihura, Agricultural Research and
Development Institute, described a comparative study of soil management
strategies on small farms in sub-humid uplands and semi-arid lowlands in
Tanzania. Agro-forestry dominates in the sub-humid uplands, while agro-pastoral
is the predominant farming activity in the wetter lowlands. Soil types differ
between the sites in a number of ways, including textual composition, organic
components and ability to hold nutrients. Sites with better soils were more
intensively managed. Differences in soil management at the individual farm
level were mostly due to farm size, access to inputs, ability to cope with
changes in soil quality, and farmer-accumulated knowledge in soil management.
Sites owned by poor farmers showed more species richness; however, those
species had a lower utility index. Kaihura suggested that this result reflects
the need of poorer farmers to achieve additional objectives, such as soil
improvement or production of livestock feed. Thus, poor farmers exploit
biodiversity as a mechanism for soil fertility improvements while rich farmers
obtain diverse uses from the crops grown. He said poor farmers are the
custodians of biodiversity. Natural and fallow systems with minimum
disturbances were relatively higher in soil productivity and biodiversity than
continuously exploited farms. Irrespective of sites, most strategies used are
low input and seek to improve the soil, which, in turn, leads to increases in
vegetation and enhancement of on-farm biodiversity.
Michael Stocking, University of East Anglia,
UK, and PLEC, focused on soil management by farmers. While noting some
environmental degradation problems associated with soil erosion, he also
declared that there are "good news" stories; many small-holder
farmers worldwide have been managing their land to better conserve
biodiversity, particularly in Asia, Africa and South America. A PLEC project
has attempted to capture examples that indicate interactions between rural
livelihoods and biodiversity. He said that, as a subset of agricultural
biodiversity, soil agricultural biodiversity is the conceptual framework for a
managed agricultural system focused on the interactions of humans and soil, and
soil and plants. Soil agricultural biodiversity is characterized by its
beneficial attributes at three levels: site-based benefits, which include
increases in soil resilience; management and organizational benefits, which
result in less effort to weed or maintain production; and landscape and social
benefits, which include diversification of local economies and rural
George Brown, National Center of Research of
Soy, introduced a preliminary analysis on the diversity and the functional role
of soil macrofauna in Brazilian no-tillage systems. According to his research,
the use of no-tillage as opposed to conventional tillage practices can enhance
soil macrofauna populations and their contribution to soil function, leading to
a more balanced community composition. The soil macrofauna includes
invertebrates considered as pests and/or as beneficial to the soil environment
and plant production. Ants, termites, earthworms and many others all form part
of the soil macrofauna. This research suggests that the diversity of macrofauna
groups in no-tillage is significantly higher than in conventional systems, and
that crop rotations tend to enhance the positive effects. They also highlight
the importance of those organisms that form the soil macrofauna community to
soil function and ultimately in enhancing soil fertility, crop production and
agricultural sustainability.
Felix Dakora, University of Cape Town,
discussed managing diversity in cropping systems, particularly symbiotic and
nonsymbiotic microbes, and associated host plants, based on experience in South
Africas tropical areas. He said microbes are a major component of
biodiversity in cropping systems and can increase grain yields through their
mutualistic and symbiotic interactions with host plants. Mixed intercropping of
traditional tropical agriculture allows for greater exploitation of symbiotic
microbes and/or better control of microbial pathogens for higher yields. In
addition, species of soil (mainly rhizobia) produce chemical molecules that
promote plant growth, and they individually and collectively affect
biodiversity in the cropping system. With these significant findings, the case
study has provided some new insights into how management of microbial
biodiversity and the associated host plants can enhance productivity in natural
and agricultural ecosystems.
Sally Bunning, FAO Land and Water Development Division, led the discussion on
managing soil biodiversity and stressed its importance for food security and
environmental benefits. She noted that the CBD Secretariat has identified soil
biodiversity as an important issue for attention. She observed that the
presentations focused on indirect management of soil biodiversity, and
commented that socio-cultural considerations should be primary factors in any
assessment. She also highlighted the need to focus on restoration of degraded
In response to a question about developing
certified indicators, Stocking stated that he recently suggested using 14
indicators related to changes of soil and five related to changes in
production. To be useful, indicators must be semi-quantitative and
Peter Kevan, Department of Environmental Biology,
University of Guelph, chaired the session that focused on management of
pollinator diversity. He underscored the importance of pollinators to
agricultural and native systems and said that, although concerns about declines
in pollinators have been around since before Darwin, pollinator conservation is
only recently beginning to get some much-needed attention.
Wanja Kinuthia, National Museums of Kenya, Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology,
described pollinators as an "ecosystem service for agriculture." Many
important crops, such as soybeans, ground nuts, mangos, coffee, oil of palm and
other vegetables, are pollinated and show a direct decline in yield when
pollinators are not present. In Africa, many subsistence farms are located
close to natural habitats. Cultivated plants usually have wild relatives. Thus,
cultivated crops and wild plants can share pollinators and the wild areas
provide an additional "reservoir" habitat for pollinators after the
growing season. In the riverine acacia woodlands of Kenya, research has shown
temporal differences in visitations between native bees and honeybees. Native
bees are relatively more abundant later in the morning than the honeybee. This
difference suggests that the native bees are better adapted to the local
climate and able to pollinate during hotter weather. Such differences show that
pollinators are a complex of species with unique requirements for survival and
highlight the need for caution regarding pollinator introduction. Kinuthia
suggested that national policies on agricultural biodiversity should include
pollinators and stressed the need to: overcome taxonomic impediments; determine
the effects of invasive species and plants; and determine the economic benefits
of pollinators.
Connal Eardley, Agricultural Research
Council-Plant Protection Research Institute, discussed the "plight of the
bee" in South African semi-deserts, which support unique fauna and flora.
Land changes in the semi-deserts have negatively impacted pollinators, but the
scope of the impact is poorly known. Long occupied by herders, the semi-deserts
underwent changes to vegetation composition after the onset of European
farming. Certain land use practices appear to be favoring certain species of
bees over other ones. Current land use activities threaten the abundance and
diversity of bees in a number of ways including: livestock depletion of plants;
livestock trampling of soil and compaction of essential habitat; removal of dry
wood used by bees; water pollution; depletion of water used to construct mud
nests; and insecticides. He underscored the need to: study the causes of and
monitor pollinator decline; study impacts on pollination; address the lack of
taxonomic information on pollinators; adopt standardized methodologies; assess
the economic value of pollination and its loss; encourage use of indigenous
pollinators in agriculture; and promote conservation, restoration and
sustainable use of pollinator diversity.
Nasreen Muzaffar, Director of the Honeybee
Research Institute of Pakistan, discussed the sustainable management of insect
pollinators in Pakistan, focusing on a community-based participatory approach
that demonstrates the creation of best conditions for diversification of farm
income. The demonstration project is conducted in diverse agro-ecological areas
in Pakistans northern mountains and plains, in which honeybee and
non-Apis bee populations were integrated to promote insect pollination
processes for crop planting. During the demonstration project, on-farm
pollination trials were conducted on various crops including apples, almonds,
pears, sunflowers and cucumbers. The trials indicated that plants visited by
honeybees and native non-Apis bees all showed higher yields than those
not visited by pollinators. The economic gain by local farmers through high
yields of crop production as well as sale of honey and honeybees is
considerable. The project clearly shows the local farming communities that
honeybees and other insect pollinators are essential for successful cultivation
of their crops and improvement of their livelihoods. At the same time, insect
pollination also helps to ensure conservation of biological diversity,
sustainable habitats and the overall ecosystem.
Barbara Gemmill, Environment Liaison Centre International, led a
discussion following the presentations. Kevan introduced research work on
insect pollination in Central and South America. In response to a question
regarding disease transmission by insect pollinators, Muzaffar said pesticide
application is necessary to control disease. One participant asked how
genetically modified plants would affect insect pollinators such as bees and
Muzaffar said that, so far, the impacts are positive.
CONTROL: Daniel Buckles, International Development
Research Center, opened an afternoon session on pest and disease
Presentations: Bill Settle, Center for Agro-ecology, University of California, Santa
Cruz, spoke about functional diversity and integrated crop management. He
described the linking function that certain species provide between soil and
aquatic foodwebs and above-the-water foodwebs in irrigated tropical rice
ecosystems. "Linking" species emerge before the rice is planted, well
in advance of potential rice pest species. Population levels of beneficial
predators closely track those of the linking species, but are not temporally
correlated with arrival of pest herbivores. As a result, there is a diversity
of beneficial predators already on site ready to take advantage of the
herbivorous pests. Adding organic matter to the system boosts populations of
the linking species while simultaneously increasing rice yield. The use of
insecticides threatens this natural pest-management system by resulting in
resurgent outbreaks after the initial suppression. At the landscape level and
with respect to beneficial predators, he concluded that areas of high global
disturbance and synchronous planting favor long distance travelers, high
fecundity and relatively large and robust arthropods, while areas of low global
disturbance and heterogeneous plantings favor long-lived generalists and highly
efficient searchers. In the synchronous plots, predator arrival dates were
significantly delayed and it took much longer to attain the same level of
abundance as that found in heterogeneous plantings. He noted that synchronous
planting also can negatively impact the stability of labor requirements, input
costs and harvest prices. He concluded that species diversity is a correlated
factor to ecosystem functioning.
Wang Yunyue, Phytopathology Laboratory of
Yunnan Province, Yunnan Agricultural University, China, discussed cultivating
biodiversity for disease control. Blast is the main disease of rice in Yunnan
Province. Her case study examined the relationship between variety diversity
and rice blast management in a total of 458 large-scale field experiments. She
concluded that variety diversification provides an ecological approach to
disease control. When disease-susceptible rice varieties were planted in
mixtures with resistant varieties, the occurrence of rice blast was 84% less
severe than varieties grown in monoculture. The benefits of mixture planting
also showed up in increased yields. High quality varieties planted in mixtures
with hybrid varieties had strong resistance to blast and there was a 100% rice
yield increase. Disease-susceptible rice varieties planted in mixtures with
resistant varieties showed an 89% greater yield than when grown in monoculture.
Farmers also experienced cost savings of approximately US$72 per hectare from
reduced pest pressures. The idea of using diversification to control diseases
and insect pests has been extended to mixed crops, such as wheat and broad
bean. The intercropping design reduced the incidence of rust by 19-27% and
damage due to bean stem maggots decreased to minimal levels.
Yunita T. Winarto, University of Indonesia,
discussed managing paddy and soybean varieties in Java and Lampung, including
two cases of farmer creativity connected with FAOs integrated pest
management (IPM) program. She described farmers experiences managing crop
biodiversity in paddy and soybean farming on the north coast of West Java and
Central Lumpung. On the north coast of West Java, farmers continued to plant
new rice strands, with the results of diverse rice varieties planted in each
season, despite the "recommended uniform" strategy of rice farming by
the government. In the central Lumpung case, after experiencing repetitive
failures with soybeans, farmers improved and developed various strands of
soybean varieties in order to produce "free-pesticide-soybean" crops
in a sustainable manner. The study shows farmers learning experience in
planting rice and soybeans through various sources, including crop performance,
pest control experiments, market demand and price, and neighbors choices
for seeds. It also shows ways that farmers evaluate and improve their knowledge
and practices, which help to increase crop variety and ultimately promote
diversity for pest and disease control. In conclusion, she stressed that many
social and economic factors have to be taken into consideration to make
farmers sustainable agriculture dream a reality.
Discussion: Toby
Hodgkin, IPGRI, led the discussion following the presentations. One participant
commended FAOs IPM program and suggested it should be strengthened,
stressing that more actions need to be taken to promote crop varieties. Other
questions and comments were related to monoculture practice and traditional
planting practices and decomposition in functional diversity for integrated
crop management.
WILD BIODIVERSITY: Timo Maukomen, UNEP, chaired an
afternoon session on agriculture and wild biodiversity.
Presentations: Colin Duncan, Department of History, School of Environment, McGill
University, spoke about agriculture and biodiversity loss throughout history.
Massive conversion of forest and grasslands to agriculture has taken place over
the last several millennia and that conversion has resulted in a tremendous
loss of biodiversity. However, more complete assessments of biodiversity loss
suffer from a serious lack of adequate data. The rate and degree of native
forest depletion has differed by location. In coastal China, the removal of the
native forests appears to have been slow but was eventually total. In Europe,
removal also was slow, but more wildwood was allowed to remain and hedgerows
and other refugia were made. The creation of refugia in the agricultural
landscape arose in complex crop rotation systems. These refugia probably
enabled persistence of certain soil micro-flora and the preservation of many
species. Modest changes to ecosystems, such as light burning and grazing and
even irrigation, may have opened new niches, leading to some increases in
biodiversity. Yet, when practiced more widely, such activities can reduce
biodiversity. Current deforestation in areas such as the Amazon basin are more
dramatic in terms of biodiversity reduction, because the indigenous
biodiversity is very high. Rapid and complete removal also has impacts on
conditions such as climate.
Raymond OConnor, University of Maine,
spoke about agricultural regimes and the conservation of farmland biodiversity.
In particular, he discussed how birds have responded to changes in habitat
alterations, agricultural intensification, stock management and pesticide use.
Many microhabitats are characterized by elements such as openness, fields,
hedge density, ponds and linear water, which are determinants for the presence
of different bird species. Alteration of habitat affects bird species
composition. As drainage of land increases and wetlands and ponds disappear,
the abundance of certain water-dependent species decreases. Intensification of
agriculture requires large combines and straight rows, which eliminate
important habitats such as hedgerows. Changes in crop management, such as
combine harvester use, stubble burning and chemical use, affect prey
availability, habitat and timing issues. Pesticides and herbicides affect bird
species by depleting their food supply. The effect can be dramatic if multiple
changes occur at the same time. When density of livestock is intensified, bird
populations decline. OConnor estimated that as many as 17 species are
"missing" from the Midwestern United States as a result of
agricultural practices. He estimated that 42 to 90 million birds are missing
because of pesticide application. Thus, agricultural practices at the
individual farm level and landscape level have had major impacts on
Sara Scherr, Agricultural and Resource
Economics Department, University of Maryland, discussed eco-agriculture as a
new form of agriculture, designed to raise farm production and incomes while
increasing wild biodiversity, particularly in biodiversity hotspots. She stated
that a global review of population, food demand and agricultural management has
indicated that wild biodiversity conservation will not be successful unless
fundamental changes are made to agriculture. Eco-agriculture is built on the
concept of ecosystem management, by increasing wildlife habitats in non-farmed
patches in agricultural landscapes and by enhancing the habitat quality of
productive farmlands. Concrete measures for adopting eco-agriculture approaches
include: creating more biodiversity reserves; preventing conversion of wild
land into agriculture; crop intensification; and strengthening pest management.
A broad range of actions were proposed to promote eco-agriculture on a scale
sufficient to make a significant contribution to conserve global biodiversity,
increase food production and raise incomes.
Discussion: Don
Smith, McGill University, led a discussion following the presentations. In
response to questions on the policy issues associated with supporting
eco-agriculture, Scherr noted that efforts are underway to encourage farmers to
adopt eco-agriculture approaches, including providing farmers with biodiversity
services, product labeling and community-based land planning. In exchanging
views on maintaining the balance between farmers economic considerations
and wild biodiversity conservation, one participant expressed concern over the
lack of farmland that might make eco-agriculture unrealistic, with another
noting that increasing the wildlife population in some regions has already
caused battles over lands between farmers and animals. Participants also
stressed the importance of institutional arrangements in promoting
Symposium participants discussed the third
and final theme, "Managing Diversity: Landscape, Scale and Change,"
on Saturday, 10 November. Three sessions were held on two topics: managing
diversity in the agricultural landscape and managing diversity under global
LANDSCAPE: Harold Brookfield, Department of
Anthropology, Australian National University, welcomed participants to the
final day of presentations and chaired morning and afternoon sessions on
diversity in the agricultural landscape.
Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Columbia University, discussed valuing and promoting
small-holder agricultural practices based on a PLEC research project conducted
in Amazonia, South America, West and East Africa, and Asia. The project focuses
on three major issues: the diversity of systems in production landscapes;
multiple functions of small-holder production systems; and an expert farmer
demonstration approach. With regard to diversity of systems in production
landscapes, the example of Amazonia in Peru shows how farmers use their
resources to cope with landscape change problems due to catastrophic floods.
Regarding multiple functions of small-holder production systems, pilot sites in
Brazil, China and Kenya demonstrate farmers practices in: creating and
managing microhabitats for more plant species; using multiple cropping systems
to cope with market changes; and developing agro-forestry systems to mange
disease control. Regarding demonstration of various approaches, it was noted
that expert farmers play a significant role in setting up demonstration
objectives and developing and modifying demonstration techniques.
Mahmadou Sawadogo, Institute of the
Environment and Agricultural Research, spoke about how farmers in three regions
in Burkina Faso use ecosystem indicators to conserve, maintain and manage local
crop diversity. His investigation used, inter alia, direct surveys,
focus groups and climatic mapping. The project involved three sites with six
villages per site, 18 families per village, and six crops. He sought to:
determine and map the actual distribution of farmers varieties; describe
and map the factors that affect diversity; and determine the relationships
between these factors and diversity in farmers varieties. Diversity was
calculated by number of varieties of each crop. Farmers used information from
the ecosystem to determine when to begin planting. Indicators relied upon
included: plant activity, such as leafing or fruiting; activities of birds and
animals; star constellations; and traditional rituals. Farmers have reasonably
good knowledge about the beginning of the season and about good seasons. The
project also looked at the results to determine what type of interventions or
actions should be made and in what order. In these arid regions of
unpredictable rainfall, diversity is a way of life. Managing crop diversity is
a key strategy for guaranteeing food from year to year. Threats to certain key
indicator trees threaten this ecosystem-based information source.
Kanok Rerkasem, Faculty of Agriculture,
Chiang Mai University, spoke about farmers management of fallow
succession in Thailand at two mountainous sites. Shifting cultivation followed
by fallow succession is the predominant practice among certain ethnic minority
groups. The area has been subject to rapid change over the last thirty years
with the introduction of highland development as the government has sought to
eradicate opium crops and protect forests. Rerkasem showed that if the fallow
period is too short, agriculture cannot be sustainable. In response to these
pressures, farmers have either turned to intensive cash crops or are using
agricultural biodiversity management of shorter fallow periods to overcome
limitations. In one area, farmers use of a spiny leguminous weed plant
for fallow succession has proved beneficial for building soil. At another site,
the Macaranga, a prolific seed-producing shrub species, is helping to
sustain productivity. He concluded that the farmers innovation offers
important information about sustainable land use practices.
Huijun Guo, Vice Director of Xishuangbanna
Tropical Botanical Garden, China, discussed agro-ecosystem change and threats
to agricultural biodiversity in the tropical mountains of Xishuangbanna region.
The case study indicates that agro-ecosystems in the region are undergoing
rapid and profound changes. Some of the changes are having impacts on
agricultural biodiversity, such as practices of shifting cultivation including
replacement with plantations of industrial crops. When the agro-ecosystem
changes, agricultural biodiversity is lost. Driving forces for these
agro-ecosystem changes include, in particular, land use policy changes,
economic market change, agricultural technology changes, and creation of
biosphere reserves. The presentation outlined some counter-measures to
agricultural biodiversity loss that local farmers are exploring through new
agricultural opportunities associated with diversifying plantations.
Edwin A. Gyasi, Department of Geography and
Resource Development, University of Ghana, presented a case study on managing
diversity in the agricultural landscape in Ghana. The study describes
traditional systems of managing diversity of the biota in agricultural
landscapes with a focus on sites of conservation efforts under a PLEC project.
He discussed strengths and weaknesses of traditional systems as well as threats
posed to them by other social and economic factors, such as production
pressures, introduction of exotic systems, and changes of dietary habits. The
PLEC project is designed to build upon the traditional systems to conserve
agricultural biodiversity and to observe how conservation measures affect
agricultural landscapes. Gyasi also highlighted the main policy lessons learned
from this case study the realistic policy option for conserving
agricultural biodiversity and meeting food production challenges should be
based on traditional systems and be made an integral part of the whole land use
Farida Akhter, Policy Research for
Development Alternative, spoke about biodiversity and the livelihood strategies
of the very poor in Bangladesh. The majority of poor people are not living on
cultivated crops. Instead, the whole landscape is the source of food as the
very poor collect food from the lands, water bodies and forests where they
live. At least 40% of their daily diet comes from uncultivated foods. The
lowest income people are surviving year-round on uncultivated foods. Plant
collection is done without damaging the source plant, by carefully plucking
from the plant at the right location. They typically collect what they need for
a meal but may also sell additional materials at market. Small fish are
collected opportunistically from the water bodies. The women are especially
knowledgeable about nutritional values of different plants. In recent years,
local people have seen an erosion of food supply and related materials, such as
cow dung for cooking, possibly attributable to changing agricultural practices,
including pesticides or use of tractors instead of cows. The loss of
biodiversity also is leading to an erosion of traditional knowledge. Akhter
stated that discussions about agriculture should not be limited to one crop,
but should include consideration of those who cultivate their landscape.
Christine Padoch, New York Botanical Garden, led the discussion after the
presentations. She noted the complexity of the different agricultural systems
considered and the diversity of responses that farmers have shown in responding
to threats and opportunities. Several participants asked how best to upscale
the knowledge gained from farmer innovation to build a network of knowledge and
influence policy decisions. Speakers responses included suggestions for
identifying universal practices, using extension agents to reach out to
governmental officials, greater use of the media, use of songs, metaphor and
analogy to transfer knowledge, and a focus on farmers as both experts and
Luohui Liang, Managing Coordinator, PLEC/UNU, chaired
the Symposiums final session, on managing diversity under global
Presentations: Tim Johns, Center for Indigenous Peoples Nutrition and
Environment, McGill University, presented a paper on dietary diversity, global
change and human health, in which the close links between those elements were
highlighted. He said ingested plant and animal products offer functional
benefits to human health in addition to providing essential nutrition. He also
noted that some emerging diseases of global importance that have a dietary
basis could be better addressed through a diversity of species and genotypes.
The paper examined how traditional systems, indigenous resources and knowledge
help conserve diversity, provide adequate nutrition and protect human health.
He concluded by stating that: biodiversity leads to dietary diversity and
ultimately links to human health; global changes have great impacts on
traditional ecology; and there should be a health rationale for managing
David Wood, independent consultant, presented
a paper on diversity, simplicity and the optimization of agricultural
biodiversity. The paper addressed the quantification of biodiversity at
genetic, species and ecosystem levels, and how agricultural biodiversity is
distributed within and between agro-ecosystems. It highlighted the roles of
diversity in natural systems and synergies or possible conflicts between
ecological and socio-economic consideration for diversity in agro-ecosystems.
To illustrate the problems of generalizing the role of diversity, the paper
looks at: the role of scale gardens, fields and landscapes; optimization
of agricultural biodiversity at a time of changing and uncertain ecological
principles; and the place of wider biodiversity in agro-ecosystems in terms of
trade-offs between conservation and utilization. The presentation also
discussed the relationship between farmers choice and global needs in a
changing setting.
Diddt Pelegrina, Southeast Asia Regional
Institute for Community Education, Philippines, spoke about managing
agricultural biodiversity under changing Southeast Asian market and
agricultural production systems, which she said largely requires building
social capital. She reviewed the overall context of the production, market and
political systems. Within that context she works to build and strengthen social
capital to manage local agricultural biodiversity to achieve increased
production and diversity according to farmers preferences. The objective
is to move from: subsistence farming to marketable yield; conservation to
development and use; and single institution to multi-stakeholder participation
at high levels of policy making. She underscored the importance of moving from
field work to policy discussions and involving groups of farmers who control
resources to help manage biodiversity. Successes have included: increased
technical capacity; a sense of voice among farmers and farmer groups; increased
plant genetic resources; conservation of traditional varieties; and influence
on research directions. Challenges include a culture of silence among some
communities and the need to use different approaches under different political
Discussion: The
discussion on diversity under global change was led by Devra Jarvis.
Participants exchanged views on the values and risks of intensive agriculture,
chemical use, and creation of refuges. One participant suggested that the
development of multi-stakeholder groups should include other workers in the
agricultural communities. Another noted the difficulties associated with
determining what constitutes ecosystem health, which must involve both
diversity and abundance.
Jan Plesnik, Chair of SBSTTA-7, chaired the
Symposiums closing session. Toby Hodgkin said the Symposium was a
learning experience for many participants and it accomplished its goal of
exchanging experiences in various parts of the world, with a key emphasis on
communication among people working in the same subject matter. He urged
participants to integrate case studies and demonstration projects with local
practices and to identify gaps for future endeavors. Harold Brookfield pointed
out that there is a great deal of similarity in farmers approaches to
conserving agricultural biodiversity. Noting that management is the key, he
encouraged more discussion on the management level in the future.
David Cooper, CBD, highlighted some points
from the Symposium and suggested next steps. He said the Symposium showed some
of the dimensions of diversity, having considered, among others, livestock,
livelihood, associated pollinators, pest and diseases, organisms as service
providers, the landscape level and the influence that management has on it. He
stated that there was no "single axis" for diversity and that we have
only begun to integrate these various dimensions. We have begun to appreciate
the effects of change over time and such changes can be managed to benefit
human livelihood. Cooper highlighted that the many success stories discussed at
the Symposium depended on a rigorous interdisciplinary approach and recognized
that we must understand the socio-economic elements in addition to the
genetics. He said we need a vigorous commitment to work with farmers and that
we have much to learn from the variety of approaches discussed. Challenges for
future work include: integrating the different dimensions; seeking to
understand the complexity; clarifying potentially conflicting goals; developing
indicators; and scaling up the successes. He noted that, based on this
Symposium, Toby Hodgkin would make a statement to the working group on
agricultural biodiversity at SBSTTA and proceedings from the Symposium,
including abstracts and any papers submitted by years end, would be
published on a compact disc. A book on agricultural biodiversity may be
published before the 6th Conference of the Parties to the
David Cooper thanked everyone responsible for
making the Symposium happen, including its sponsors: UNU, CBD Secretariat,
IPGRI, IDRC, FAO, Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation,
German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and the Development, Japanese Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Directorate
General for International Cooperation of The Netherlands, McGill University and
In closing, Jan Plesnik noted that the CBD is
a scientific convention and must go to its roots to provide Parties and
decision makers with good information. He predicted that we will reach
biodiversity at all levels for the next generation and expressed his pleasure
that the SBSTTA Bureau would carefully review the outputs of this Symposium. He
also thanked the Symposiums sponsors and those who had chaired sessions,
led discussions, presented papers and participated. He officially closed the
Symposium at 5:30 p.m.
