USA unashamedly promoting GMOs
and WTO dominance.

Colin Powell was heckled, but,
shaken, he continued to press the USA line on GMOs and Trade.

WTO won: Earth
ECO 8 reports that the Political
Declaration is still WTO biased.
Paragraph (18), which contains
the documents only reference to MEAs finds the UN bowing in support
of the work programme agreed through the WTO. By agreeing to this text,
Johannesburg has produced a cowardly reinforcement of the WTOs
dangerously unbalanced Doha mandate.
Remember that, in Doha,
governments mandated the WTO to unilaterally clarify the relationship between
trade rules and the trade measures that enforce MEAs. Negotiations are to take
place under WTO auspices, with Trade, not Environment, Ministers leading
negotiations, and where MEA Secretariats are given only observer status.
Doha also deemed that the outcomes shall not add to or diminish the
rights and obligations of Members under existing WTO agreements,

Civil Society
withdraws from the Summit
Daily Summit reports this
"True civil society is here
today," Vandana Shiva tells the Daily Summit at today's demonstration,
joining with Friends of the Earth's Charles Secrett saying that if "other
groups don't join us now, we're sure they will have to join us soon".
According to Ms Shiva, the groups are withdrawing from the summit dominated by
the WTO and corporations. Private sector involvement in the provision of water
and bio-technology was "a crime against people and the earth"
"When governments and companies fail to deliver," said Mr Secrett,
"you have to withdraw consent from what they're doing" . Subsequently
the demonstrators were moved to 'Speakers Corner" half a mile away, far
from the gaze of COlin Powell as he entered the complex. However, many in the
hall were still able to get their voices heard as a counter to the US
More reflections later as the
day unfolds...
