Robert Vint, Genetic Food Alert 1 September 2002

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The US Government is using the Earth Summit to force African
countries and other nations of the South to accept its GM food and crops.
Acting on behalf of biotech corporations such as Monsanto, which now have
representatives in key positions in the Bush administration and in
intergovernmental bodies, the US Government will now only offer agricultural
aid to Southern nations if it is for GM crops, only offer knowledge and
technological assistance if it opens markets for US biotech corporations and
only offer food aid that contains GM ingredients. $53 million of agricultural
biotech 'aid' and $50 million of GM 'food aid' is currently being offered to
Africa in an attempt to break a four year long almost continent-wide ban on GM
food and crops. Back in 1998 all African nations (except South Africa) rejected
Monsanto's attempts to force GM crops on the continent, their FAO delegates
jointly declaring "we strongly object that the image of the poor and
hungry from our countries is being used by giant multinational corporations to
push a technology that is neither safe, environmentally-friendly, nor
economically beneficial to us."
The most extreme form of coercion in the run-up to the
Summit is the Bush government's attempt to force the famine-ridden nations of
southern Africa to abandon their import regulations and accept unapproved GM
'food aid' by denying them access to non-GM supplies. $50 million cash was
offered to private food corporations in Zambia on the strict condition that it
only be spent on GM maize, that this maize must be bought from US grain
corporations and that it must not be milled to prevent illegal planting.
Zambia's President is instead currently buying up non-GM maize from Kenya and
This is part of an ongoing US strategy to undermine western
consumer resistance to GM food by marketing the technology as the solution to
world hunger and poverty. Such claims for the technology have been rubbished on
many occasions by Third World experts and development organisations such as
Christian Aid, Oxfam and Action Aid but continue to be widely reported as fact
by politicians and the media.
The US Government has consistently dumped unsellable GM
crops via USAID and the World Food Programme on many nations despite widespread
and continuous protests for several years by recipients. There were objections
from groups in Malaysia, Ethiopia and South Africa in March 2000, followed by
protests in the Philippines (Apr 2000), India (Jun 2000) and Burundi (Sep
2000). In January 2001 Bosnia turned away 40,000 tonnes of GM animal feed and
in May 2001, Ecuador rejected aid packages containing illegal GMOs after
protests by children. Similar protests followed the discovery of illegal GMOs
in food aid in Bolivia (Apr 2001), Colombia (May 2001), Guatemala (Jun 2002)
and Nicaragua (Jun 2002). Since June this year there have been high-profile
protests by southern African nations including Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
The US Government has also consistently threatened with WTO
sanctions any nation that has in any way regulated, restricted or labelled GM
food or crops for 'creating barriers to trade'. For example they have
threatened such sanctions against Sri Lanka (May 2001) and Croatia (Dec 2001)
to break their moratoria on GMOs, against Mexico (Feb 2001) and Thailand (Jul
2001) to block their food label laws and against China (Mar 2002) to overturn
their safety regulations on GM soya imports. Similar threats have also been
regularly made against wealthier countries such as Canada, Argentina and all 14
nations of the EU.
Anger over this coercive marketing strategy has united
Africa's non-governmental organisations which have issued several statements of
condemnation at the Earth Summit. 126 organisations from 39 nations signed a
Statement of Solidarity with the southern African nations resisting GM 'food
aid'. Another joint statement, from African Civil Society groups, says:
"We refuse to be used as the dumping ground for contaminated food,
rejected by the Northern countries and we are enraged by the emotional
blackmail of vulnerable people in need being used in this way", whilst a
statement from four leading African food and agriculture experts says:
"The US is disposing of its rejected food in Africa. Africa will not allow
itself to become a dumping ground. This is another form of colonisation: first
through slavery, then through economic colonisation and now through the control
of food and medicine through GM, creating total dependency".
The US Government strategy was condemned yesterday by the
UK's Chief Scientist, Professor David King, who denounced the attempts to force
biotechnology into Africa as a 'massive human experiment' and 'questioned the
morality of the US's desire to flood genetically modified foods into African
For further information and references see < > and
"Force-Feeding the World: America's 'GM or Death' ultimatum to Africa
reveals the depravity of its GM marketing policy" by Robert Vint at < >
