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PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES (IU) Keeping free access to the world's plant genetic resources for food and agriculture CSO Report of 6th
Contact Group meeting
Spoleto success?![]() The IU could be adopted in June, following a tough week of negotiations by the Contact Group in Spoleto, Italy The most important news from Spoleto is that the IU survived another hurdle and is now headed towards a final make-or-break session of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture on 24-30 June. The other good news is that now there seems to be better collaboration and more consensus - between Europe and most of the developing countries, which could form enough of a basis for the adoption of a new IU. However, the opposition to any meaningful and comprehensive agreement for crop germplasm has also stepped up. As happened in the lead up to the Cartagena meeting that adopted the Biosafety Protocol, the USA can be expected to use all and any channels available to create doubts in any government willing to listen or susceptible to be arm-twisted. CSOs have had an increased presence at the negotiations as was shown by an open letter of Via Campesina, and a CSO statement about the IU negotiations signed by over 320 organisations. But the essence of our demands: no IPRs on PGRFA and stronger Farmers' Rights have not really been dealt with and our demand for a comprehensive list of crops to be included in the IU is only partially met:
It is important that as many CSOs as possible actively engage in this process of finalising the IU, lobby their governments in preparation for and participate themselves in the final negotiating meeting of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, to be held from 24 to 30 of June in Rome. More information on the negotiations can be found on www.ukabc.org/iu2.htm Este es un reporte de Spoleto por los OSC. Luego en maio enviaremos otro informe preparatorio para la reuinión de la Comisión de Recursos Genéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura de la FAO del 24 al 30 de junio Exito en Spoleto?![]() Este es un informe desde Spoleto, Italia, por parte de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) que asistieron a la reciente reunión del Grupo de Contacto en torno a las negociaciones del Compromiso Internacional sobre Recursos Genéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, los pasados días 23-28 de abril. Más adelante enviaremos otro informe preparatorio para la próxima reunión de la Comisión de Recursos Genéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura de la FAO, del 24 al 30 de junio. El Compromiso Internacional (CI) puede ser adoptado en junio, después de una semana fuerte de negociaciones por el Grupo de Contacto en Spoleto, Italia. La noticia mas importante desde Spoleto es que el CI saltó otro obstáculo y se encamina hacia una sesión final de todo o nada de la Comisión de Recursos Genéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura de la FAO del 24 al 30 de junio. La otra buena noticia es que ahora parece haber mejor colaboración (y más acuerdo) entre Europa y la mayoría de los países en vías de desarrollo, lo cual puede ser una base suficiente para la adopción de un nuevo CI. Aún así, la oposición a cualquier acuerdo completo y significativo sobre germoplasma agrícola también ha sido intensificada. De la misma manera como pasó en la víspera de la reunión de Cartagena que adoptó el Protocolo de Bioseguridad, es probable que los EEUU utilicen todos los medios posibles para sembrar dudas en cualquier gobierno que este dispuesto a escucharles -- o que sea susceptible a sus presiones. Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) han aumentado su presencia en las negociaciones, cómo lo demostró una carta abierta de la Vía Campesina, y una declaración de las OSC sobre las negociaciones del CI firmada por más de 320 organizaciones. Pero la esencia de nuestras demandas -- no a los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual en recursos fitogenéticos agrícolas y mayores derechos para los agricultores -- aún no han sido tomadas en cuenta. A su vez, nuestra demanda por la inclusión de una lista mas completa de cultivos bajo el mandato del CI ha sido tomada en cuenta solo parcialmente. Veamos:
Es importante que la mayor cantidad posible de OSCs se involucren en el proceso de finalizar el CI, ejerciendo presión sobre sus gobiernos en preparación para la reunión de negociación final de la Comisión de Recursos Genéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura de la FAO, que se llevará a cabo del 24 al 30 de junio en Roma, y asistiendo como observadores a las negociaciones. Más información sobre las negociaciones pueden ser encontrada en www.ukabc.org/iu2.htm ![]() Back |
From Spoleto to Rome Progress towards food security? ![]() International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (IU) A note on the results of the 6th meeting of the IU Contact Group in Spoleto, Italy 23 28 April 2001The Contact Group made progress and built up some momentum for agreement. As a result they agreed to send the outcome of their work to the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture for adoption as a revised International Undertaking. This meeting will be in June at FAO Headquarters in Rome. But, while a lot of consensus was achieved - especially between Europe and most developing countries - there are still quite a number of issues outstanding and a few powerful countries ready to torpedo the deal IntroductionAt the core of the re-negotiation of the International Undertaking (IU) lies the aim to establish a multilateral system for the exchange of and benefit sharing from the worlds crop genetic resources. As such, it is the first attempt to develop a comprehensive (and legally binding) interpretation for agriculture of the general principles and rules of the CBD an issue that was largely unresolved when the CBD was signed almost 10 years ago. In the past few years, the negotiations have been conducted in a 'Contact Group' consisting of representation from some 40 countries. Progress in this group has been painfully slow, and the recent meeting in Spoleto (Italy) held in the last week of April, was generally seen as a 'now-or-never' session. The negotiators had a 'simplified text' proposal by the Chair, Ambassador Gerbasi, which was used as the basis for the negotiations. The Spoleto negotiations were in many ways similar to many of the previous sessions of the Contact Group. After the first three days of totally blocked negotiations with the usual countries pestering over details the Chair called the group to order and insisted that they should either recognize failure and go home, or get serious and move on. European donors got tough and threatened there would be no money for a further meeting unless substantial progress could be shown. That sent a bit of a shockwave and got everybody going. Also, the increased presence of civil society through observers, briefings, open letters and sign-on statements did help to keep up the pressure as delegations felt they were being watched. At some points, delegates sailed through articles only focusing on the main issues, but in other moments they got bogged down on irrelevant details spurred by the usual countries that love to see the negotiations drag on or just collapse. On several points, agreements in principle were reached between Europe and the developing countries block, which left other industrialised countries (the US, Canada and Australia) more isolated. These included agreements on language about how to deal with IPRs in the IU, and a text on what to do with the material held by the institutes of the CGIAR two central issues in the IU. On the last day however and in a clear move to undermine any progress - the USA re-instated an old proposal of theirs that would render the entire IU useless. Generally seen as a sign of weakness and a desperate attempt to undermine the consensus building that was underway, that proposal consists of leaving it up to each country which germplasm of each crop to include in the multilateral system with the argument that governments cannot control what its private companies collect, store and exchange. Still, in the end, the overall feeling was that enough of progress had been made to allow the hope that a final extraordinary meeting of the Commission will be able to wrap things up. This meeting will happen at the last week of June, in FAO Headquarters in Rome. The central issuesOverall, the net result of the Spoleto sessions sticks pretty closely to the original simplified text of the Chair, which was the basic negotiating document. But there are still quite a lot of issues unresolved:
Where from here?The most important news from Spoleto is that the IU survived another hurdle and is now headed towards a final make-or-break session of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture on 24-30 June. The other good news is that now there seems to be better collaboration and more consensus - between Europe and most of the developing countries, which could form enough of a basis for the adoption of a new IU. However, the opposition to any meaningful and comprehensive agreement for crop germplasm has also stepped up. As happened in the lead up to the Cartagena meeting that adopted the Biosafety Protocol, the USA can be expected to use all and any channels available to create doubts in any government willing to listen or susceptible to be armtwisted. CSOs have had an increased presence at the negotiations as was shown by an open letter of Via Campesina, and a CSO statement about the IU negotiations signed by over 300 organisations. But the essence of our demands: no IPRs on PGRFA and stronger Farmers' Rights have not really been dealt with and our demand for a comprehensive list of crops to be included in the IU is only partially met:
It is important that as many CSOs as possible actively engage in this process of finalising the IU, lobby their governments in preparation for and participate themselves in the final negotiating meeting of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, to be held from 24 to 30 of June in Rome. More information on the negotiations to be found on www.ukabc.org/iu2.htm ![]() |