"Agricultural Biodiversity
and Sustainable Livelihoods:
the case of Dryland Ecosystems"
Workshop for the 15th Session of
the Global Biodiversity Forum
Nairobi, 12-14 May 2000-03-27
Organised by ITDG with ELCI, UNDP and others
Workshop Structure
Friday 12 May 2000
Session 1 15.30 - 17.00
"COP V, agricultural biodiversity & drylands farmers"
Format: Plenary
- Aims:
- To explain the dynamic and participatory nature of the workshop
- To outline the key themes of the workshop
- To inform participants as to the frameworks for the next day's discussions
Chair: Tewolde Egziabher Debre, director, Environmental Protection Agency, govt of Ethiopia; spokesperson for the Africa Group
Presentations: Farmers' Rights, livelihoods and the COP V's decisions on agricultural biodiversity
Patrick Mulvany, food security policy adviser, ITDG
What farmers need from policy makers to manage agricultural biodiversity
Melanya Govo and Mishek Mutapwa, Zimbabwean farmers' representatives
Sustainable use of drylands ecosystems: community participation in on farm conservation (including gender issues)
Lene Poulsen, Technical Advisor, UNSO/UNDP Office to Combat Desertification and Drought
Sustainable livelihoods and agricultural biodiversity
David Cooper, CBD Secretariat
Discussion: Questions for clarification
Saturday 13 May 2000
Principal chair: Ulf Svensson, adviser on agricultural biodiversity to the government of Sweden
Alternate chairs: Ebbie Dengu, Director, ITDG Southern Africa
Barbara Gemmill, ELCI
Format for the day: The first three sessions will hear two short presentations, following which delegates will break into three small groups for discussion. The same groups will be kept for all three sessions to enable participants to take issues through the day, and form a basis of mutual understanding. Each group will be facilitated. The final session in plenary will seek to draw together the issues and questions.
Session 2 09.00 - 10.30
"Managing natural resources in the drylands"
Format: Presentations followed by small group discussions
Aims: To examine the sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity in drylands
Presentations: Agricultural biodiversity in drylands: what's in it for farmers
Barbara Gemmill, executive director, ELCI
Threats and opportunities for farmers making use of drylands agricultural biodiversity
Toribio Quispe, Peruvian farmers' leader
Discussion: What helps or hinders farmers in their daily practice of on-farm management of drylands agricultural biodiversity?
Facilitators: RIOD, UNDP
Session 3 11.00 - 12.00
"Agricultural biodiversity as economic capital"
Format: Presentations followed by small group discussions
Aims: To examine the use of agricultural biodiversity as economic capital which can support farmers and their communities and contribute to national food security
Presentations: The economic value of drylands agricultural biodiversity in East Africa
Lucy Emerton, IUCN East Africa
Sustainable management: what it costs us, how we can benefit
Farmers representative from Kenya
Discussion: What are the costs and what are the economic opportunities to farmers of engaging in on-farm conservation?
Facilitators: - Susil Liyanarchi, ITDG South Asia
- Phoebe Barnard
- Lucy Emerton, IUCN East Africa
Session 4 14.00 - 15.30
"Social capital and institutions"
Format: Presentations followed by small group discussions
Aims: To examine how farmers perceive, and how policy makers can respond to, the need to build capacity for in situ conservation
Presentations: Farmers' perceptions of biodiversity and their institutional support to manage it
Blessing Bataumocho, ITDG Southern Africa
How does the COP V agenda address farmers' needs for support?
RIOD [tbc]
Discussion: How can institutions at all levels work for the sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity?
Facilitators: Rodger Mpande, ITDG Southern Africa
Phoebe Barnard
Session 5 16.00 - 17.30
"Bridging the gap: what farmers require from policy makers"
Format: Plenary, with possible break into two new groups: stakeholders and their intermediaries; and policy bodies
Chair: Ulf Svensson
Aims: Dynamically to draw together key issues arising from the workshop
To produce a priority list of desired actions at the levels of policy formulation and implementation, involving the participation of, and for the benefit of, grassroots communities
Presentation: Key issues from the three groups summarised
Two new groups tasked
Discussion: How to put a statement of principles to the COP V delegates
Facilitators: Lucy Mathenge, ITDG East Africa
Sunday 14 May 2000
Session 6 08.30 - 10.00
Working session: preparation of report
Chair: Patrick Mulvany, ITDG
Discussion: How to communicate our action proposals to COP V delegates