GM Crops and Developing Countries
A UK Food Group Briefing
"Claims that GMOs are necessary for the food
security of poor people in developing countries should not be used to promote
public acceptance of GM by the UK public. We believe such claims are misleading
and fail to acknowledge the complexities of poverty reduction and household
food security in developing countries." Directors of the British
Overseas Aid Group - BOAG - organisations
(Action Aid, CAFOD, Christian Aid, OXFAM GB and Save the Children UK) 1

GM Crops are irrelevant to hunger eradication
Eradicating poverty and hunger are core aspects of the work
of many of the UK Food Group's (UKFG) 32 member organisations, which work
jointly in these areas with local partners in developing countries and with
subsistence farmers. Our direct experience shows that in most developing
countries, whose small-scale, labour-intensive agriculture is dramatically
different from the UK, GM crops are at best irrelevant and at worst can
threaten local food production. We believe that there is no scientific,
economic or ethical justification for asserting that GM crops are necessary for
eradicating hunger in the developing world.
Our concerns about GM Crops
Our concerns relate principally to developing countries and
to the implications that GM crops present in relation to the livelihoods and
household food security of the world's poorest people -- the 1.2 billion who
live mostly in rural areas on less than a dollar a day.
1. The solutions to hunger and food security lie mainly in
overcoming social and economic barriers that limit poor people's ability to buy
or produce and sell food. New and costly technologies, such as GM crops, risk
increasing existing inequalities and the poverty and food insecurity that
2. Too much power over the world's food is ending up in too
few hands. The development and marketing of GM technology, including patented
seeds that require proprietary chemicals to grow, is concentrating power over
food production in a very few companies. With little effective capacity at
national level and no mechanism at the international level to regulate
corporations, current trends raise serious questions about
the influence large transnational corporations may wield over every aspect of
the global food supply.
3. Too little is yet known about the potential effects of GM
crops - particularly in developing country situations - in relation to the
environment, health, agricultural systems and local livelihoods.
4. Too little time, opportunity and assistance is being
given to developing countries to debate and decide for themselves and build the
capacity to test and control GM crops. There is a danger that commercial
interests will override democratic decision-making and local control. Recent
experience demonstrates that the introduction and dissemination of GM
technologies is already proceeding in advance of developing country capacity to
assess the risks and benefits for themselves. Commercial application in the
UK/EU must not result in effectively precluding developing countries from
exercising their own right to examine the risks and benefits and choose
Our conclusions
Too soon
It is too early to make an assessment of the effects of GM
crops in most developing countries, let alone to take critical decisions that
would encourage the rapid spread of GM crops in these countries. It is
essential to take a precautionary approach in relation to the introduction of
GM crops into developing countries, as required by the Biosafety Protocol, a
new legally-binding treaty that will come into force on 11 Sept 2003 and allow
countries to refuse GM crop imports. The US, which has not signed the Biosafety
Protocol, is challenging the way European and developing countries are
implementing biosafety regulations.
What benefits?
While the potential benefits that are claimed for GM
technology appear to be almost unlimited, it is not clear how they could be
delivered and what risks will arise in terms of the technology itself or in
terms of how it is controlled. We believe, on the basis of our experience of
how previous technology packages impacted on the poor, that balance of benefits
and costs is very unlikely to favour poor communities in developing countries.
Skewed research
Overemphasis on GM crops and GM technology is drawing
support away from more sustainable farming methods. These have proved effective
in feeding the poor and improving their livelihoods and are based on local
knowledge, control and ownership of livelihood assets. These are available now.
The pattern of investment in agricultural research has skewed research funding
and focus towards high technology approaches that are most suited for
large-scale industrial agriculture and away from support for sustainable
agriculture approaches that meet the needs of the poor and hungry in developing
Knock-on effects
Considering the history of globalisation, the potential
knock-on effects of policy choices in the UK should be part of global public
policy decisions. We believe the implications of GM crop policy choices in the
UK/EU will be significant for many developing countries since they could impact
on the basic human right to food. These rights, realised through local
solutions, should be given preference over commercial gains by the corporate
Our solutions
Eradicating poverty
In relation to food, production must increase where there is
hunger i.e. in rural areas in developing countries, because of failures in
markets and other livelihood opportunities. Encouraging local sustainable food
production by poor farmers in developing countries is central to eradicating
Promoting human rights
All people have a right to food. This means ensuring that
people have control over and access to the resources that enable them to get
the food they need.
Informed choice and participation
Experience shows that appropriate solutions to development
problems are those that can be controlled and managed through local and
national governance structures and which strengthen local markets and
production systems. Ensuring poor peoples' right to participate in decisions
that affect them, and to make informed choices, is vital.
Adopting a precautionary approach
It is vital to anticipate and take steps to avoid or
mitigate the potential risks of new technologies for poor households and
Matching technology to local needs
For a technology to benefit the livelihoods and food
security of poor people it should build on their existing capabilities, it
should enhance and strengthen them and must be affordable and accessible. Poor
communities should be actively involved in the development of technologies
intended to meet their needs and not treated as passive recipients.

Sustaining GM-free seeds. Elizabeth Michek, Seed Guardian,
Photo Patrick Mulvany, ITDG
Protecting the environment
The livelihoods of poor people can be blighted by
environmental damage and pollution. Environmental protection contributes to
their well-being and helps to conserve the natural resources and biodiversity
on which many communities depend.
The GM crop debate in the UK is being overshadowed by
global politics. The trade war between the USA and Europe over GM foods, the
dumping of GM food aid by the USA on unwilling but hungry recipients and the
headlong rush into biotechnology by rich countries threatens the livelihoods of
the poor, the eradication of hunger and the sustainability of the environment.
For the sake of the hungry, now is the time for precaution and the seeking of
solutions through sustainable agriculture, not GM crops.
July 2003
1 From
letter sent to the Prime Minister's GM Crops Team in the Strategy Unit on 25
October 2002 as part of the continuing BOAG response to the government's GM
Crops dialogue. BOAG agencies are five of the 32 member organisations of the UK
Food Group - the UK platform on food security and food sovereignty issues.
